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Ditahan 4 Jam di Kantor Imigrasi, Miyabi Merasa Dilecehkan

Denpasar – Mantan aktris film dewasa asal Jepang, Maria Ozawa, ditahan selama kurang lebih 4 jam dari Selasa (6/11/2018) malam hingga Rabu (7/11/2018) pagi.

Ditahan 4 Jam di Kantor Imigrasi, Miyabi Merasa Dilecehkan

Melalui akun Instagram pribadinya, perempuan yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Miyabi ini, mengungkapkan bagaimana dua orang yang mengaku dari kantor Imigrasi mendatangi dirinya, usia ia melakukan pesta bersama teman baiknya, Barbie Nouva, serta membawa begitu saja paspornya.

Petugas Imigrasi mendapatkan informasi bahwa Miyabi diduga hendak melakukan perbuatan yang tidak baik di Bali.

”Saya tahu semua informasi itu hanya omong kosong. Setelah mendengarkan bualan mereka selama 2 jam, akhirnya saya diberikan sejumlah berkas untuk ditandatangani. Seusai saya mau menandatanganinya, barulah pasor dikembalikan,” jelasnya.

Terkait insiden tersebut, Maria Ozawa mengaku kecewa.

”Itu adalah pengalaman mengerikan. Berhentilah melecehkan saya,” tegasnya.

“I’m sure most of you guys know by now about the horrible experience I had to go through yesterday around 11pm-3am at immigration of Bali, Indonesia.
I was attending a birthday party of my good friend Barbie Nouva and as the party was ending , two guys suddenly came up to me and said they wr ppl from the immigration and needed to see my passport and as cheesy as it sounded I had no choice but to show it to them and the next second they just ran off w/o saying anything with my passport …!!!
WE ALL PANICKED called up some people..Canceled the party and went straight to the immigration office. …… LONG STORY SHORT the officers told me that someone from the bday party called up the immigration office and told them I’m trying to do something bad or business or whatever and telling all the lies,rumors anything to get me into trouble . Like WTF !!!! And after talking about NONSENSE for 2hrs in the office , they printed out some papers for me to sign.. gave me back my passport, told me over and over how FAMOUS I am in Indonesia and as I was walking out from the office,they asked me to take a selfie with them… Like what!?Seriously ? So did the immigration people make up stories and snoop around ,gathered Information, track me down take my passport ( knowing I will come get it) JUST TO TAKE A SELFIE WITH ME!?
This is so wrong in so many ways .. I’m glad I’m well known but this country needs to change, these people are erasing the “good” people out there.
Stop harassing me every time I visit Indonesia .. Clearly I need more privacy .
Wake up Indonesia I know you guys are better..,”
tulis akun @maria.ozawa, Rabu (7/11/2018).
(samsularifin – www.harianindo.com)

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