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Kabar Gembira, Bos Facebook Bakal Punya Anak Lagi

California – Kabar gembira datang Mark Zuckerberg, pendiri Facebook ini tidak lama lagi akan dikaruniai anak yang kedua, karena sang istri Priscilla Chan, kini sedang hamil.

Kabar Gembira, Bos Facebook Bakal Punya Anak Lagi

Kabar ini disampaikan langsung oleh Zuckerberg lewat akun Facebook pribadinya pada Kamis (9/3/2017) pekan lalu.

“Priscilla and I are happy to share we’re expecting another baby girl!

After our difficult experience having Max, we weren’t sure what to expect or whether we’d be able to have another child. When Priscilla and I first found out she was pregnant again, our first hope was that the child would be healthy. My next hope was that it would be a girl. I cannot think of a greater gift than having a sister and I’m so happy Max and our new child will have each other.

I grew up with three sisters and they taught me to learn from smart, strong women. They weren’t just my sisters but some of my best friends. They’ve gone on to write books, excel at performance, music, sports, cooking and their careers. They showed me how to compete and still laugh together afterwards.

Priscilla grew up with two sisters and they taught her the importance of family, caring for others and hard work. They supported each other as first generation college students and in their careers in medicine and business. They have so many inside jokes — the kind only siblings can understand.

We are all better people because of the the strong women in our lives — sisters, mothers and friends. We can’t wait to welcome our new little one and do our best to raise another strong woman,” demikian tulis Zuckerberg.

Seperti diketahui, Zuckerberg dan Priscilla Chan menikah pada 19 Mei 2012 dan telah dikaruniai satu putri yang lahir pada 1 Desember 2015 bernama Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.
(samsul arifin – www.harianindo.com)

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